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Mindful Transitions: Finding Joy in the Changing Seasons

Writer's picture: Vidushi SandhirVidushi Sandhir

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

We are wrapping up the autumn (fall) season here in the northern hemisphere.

Changing seasons are one of the most magical experiences that nature offers us, and it’s free!

I remember my first few winters in the US — they were brutal. I hunkered down, constantly bracing and wishing for it to be over. For many winters, I suffered from seasonal mood changes.

However, over the years through mindfulness practices, I’ve come to embrace the seasons.

I now look forward to each one — even the cold winter months! My attitude shifted from one of resistance and complaining to that of acceptance and even eagerness.

Today, I want to offer two mindset shifts that help us invite, celebrate, and enjoy the


1. Cultivate presence:

I used to live in a quaint little walkup in New York City, and from my window I could see a beautiful courtyard with creeper plants adorning the opposite building’s wall. One autumn day, I looked out the window and realized that I hadn’t noticed the leaves change color from verdant green to burnt orange. The transition was already complete.

That day reminded me to notice how nature is ever-changing, and to be more present through the seasons.

If we look, we can see it in the changing colors of the trees, the crunch of leaves under our boots, the crispness of the autumn air, and even the changing daylight.

Here is a simple suggestion to cultivate more presence during the fall and winter.

  • Respect the shorter days and precious sunshine by taking a walk while it’s bright. You might need to adjust your daily routine by an hour or so to make the most of sunshine. Keep your gadgets away and turn off the autopilot to immerse your senses in the sights, smells and sounds around you.

  • Notice the hues of the sunset sky, usually more vibrant during the winter months. The changing phases of the moon, which is visible earlier in the evening at this time. I also take pleasure in noticing the various winter puffers that can be seen on kids and puppies on their walks.

Call to action: Look around where you live and really notice your surroundings. What are some signs you see that indicate the passing of time? Can you start paying more attention? Do the mornings look and smell different?

2. Create seasonal rituals:

Each season brings its own unique quality. Spring carries a freshness and a promise of new beginnings, summer holds the potential of activity and enjoyment, fall is a time for transition and reflection, and winter is a time for rest and warmth.

Adjusting our daily schedule in small ways to bring more seasonal aspects into our lives can serve to elevate our otherwise mundane routine. I call this inviting ‘Seasonal Glimmers’ into our lives.

Glimmers are little sparkling moments in life that make each day worthwhile. Let me explain in the context of the current changing season of autumn into winter.

There are some things you can do any time of the year – getting a warm drink, reading a good book, lighting candles.

But there’s something about the fall and winter months that makes our body appreciate such cozy activities. Immersing oneself in seasonal activities can offer freshness and novelty to otherwise mundane daily activities.

A walk with a cool breeze on our face is made sweeter by that warm drink. The shorter days are made magical by lighting candles. The long winter nights feel more wholesome with a book and conversations with loved ones. Soups feel more nourishing as our body seeks warmth. Replacing the warm season wardrobe with more layers, cozy sweaters, earmuffs, and gloves is a wonderful refresh ritual to welcome a new season!

Seasonal immersive rituals don’t have to cost a lot of money. For instance, for the last few days of Fall, here are some free ritual ideas:

  • Change the background of your laptop to a more seasonal theme! Every time you open your laptop, you will remember to appreciate the short season you are in. My current wallpaper is a beautiful forest scene with a hot cup of coffee amidst fallen orange leaves.

  • Utilize your public library and get seasonal themed books. Some of my favorite Fall reads are Agatha Christie and witchy stories.

  • Develop an evening ritual by dimming the lights and putting on a YouTube video with seasonal ambience

The music in a lot of these videos is relaxing and helps the nervous system wind down for the night. You can also opt for more fall/winter shows and movies such as Harry Potter, Narnia, Dash and Lily.

  • Drink a special drink every evening with warm spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, star anise.

  • Hit up some holiday markets to enjoy the sights, food, activities - there is often a palpable buzz of excitement at these places.

So, wear those cozy socks, stock up on books and hot cocoa, light those candles and get more snuggles with a furry friend if you have one. Mix-up your usual grocery list to include more seasonal items!

I promise that these changes will bring your heart joy – a sign that the glimmers are working.

Call to action: Identify your seasonal glimmers incorporate them into your daily schedule.

I can go on and on about this topic, but I will wrap up here. In my next blog, I want to talk about some specific Ayurvedic practices for the upcoming winter season. In the meanwhile, check out my website for Ayurvedic resources or to book a free consultation with me to discuss how my holistic approach to health can help you embody a healthier and happier version of yourself.

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